Tag Archives: marching band

All in a day’s work

Getting a peach can be down right demanding, especially when you have to catch the number 2 bus, make a transfer and then make it in time to get to the store so they have fresh peaches available for you to buy. You find that when you get there your friend was gypped out of the meat she bought so you step in to settle the matter with the manager of the grocery store only to find that he won’t listen to you. Not until you bring in the help of two outside old people organizations that don’t actually exist but sound mighty important off the tongue of an old lady. The manger caves and you get your wish. Your friend thanks and you move on to the next order of business.

The band at the boardwalk on the beach isn’t up to pair and your tired of keeping them on track so you decide to take a break and bet your blood pressure against your friends to find out who’s treating for lunch that day. It turns out that your other friends are the ones that need to cut back on meat and dairy products. There’s only so much time in the day and when is all said and done you head over to the hospital to deliver some flowers to an elderly lady who everyday wishes for someone to write to her. It’s important to show you care in someone’s life so by giving the gift to the old lady, her day changed with the idea that someone does care.

It’s hard to know exactly the how old people really spend their days. Some like to lay around the house doing simple joys like gardening, learning how to knit sweaters for their family members, attending art classes, or going out and enjoying the better things in life. Sophia knew life didn’t have to stop when you got old, it stopped when you thought of yourself as old. You have to keep moving, keep thinking, and never let yourself feel old. Sophia carries for everyone of that age that you can still act like a kid, say what ever you want too and no one will send you to your room, and if they do, thank god because now you don’t have to listen to those people anymore. Keeping active is the way to enjoy the later years. But if staying active is something you can’t physically do, then watching the Golden Girls helps you live that experience vicariously and for that, we thank Susan Harris for giving us four wonderful ladies.